The Importance of Teeth Whitening

A whiter, more natural smile makes people more beautiful and confident.

Give the gift of professional teeth whitening, it will be the most welcomed present!

Professional teeth whitening is the simplest and fastest way to improve our smile. Think about it: it’s quick, affordably priced, and absolutely non-invasive!

I am Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni and I assure you that professional teeth whitening helps people feel better and boosts their self-esteem. Believe me, I say this from experience, having treated dozens of people who felt better with just a simple whitening. The realization of having white, bright teeth has led them to smile more: as a Swiss mentor of mine said, a white and bright smile leaves an imprint that stays in the memory of those you face!

As your dentist in Bologna and Faenza, the reason why I insist on “professional” teeth whitening is that, as many are aware, there are DIY kits available in the market that can often be risky for your teeth’s health. It’s crucial that the practitioner recognizes the enamel of your teeth and understands which product is best to use.

Our teeth often tend to yellow or even turn grey with age. Often, what we eat and drink, like coffee, tea, red wine, contribute to staining our teeth. With a simple whitening procedure, we can remove these stains and flaunt the smile we deserve!

As I have often said, the awareness of having white and bright teeth helps people look younger and healthier, makes them feel better, and encourages them to smile more.

To book a professional teeth whitening session, call the office:
in Bologna at 051-471964 and in Faenza at 0546 21132.



The Oral Atelier srl uninominale

Poliambulatorio odontoiatrico monospecialistico
Dir.Sanitario dr. Pier carlo frabboni
Iscrizione ord. Medici ed odontoiatri di bologna n° 726 del 05/04/1994

051/471964 – +39 344 343 3540
Via Toscana n.52

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni

Studio di Odontoiatria ed Estetica Dentale Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni
Iscrizione ord. medici ed odontoiatri di Bologna n°726 del 05/04/1994

0546/21132 – +39 388 057 6093

Corso Baccarini n.15
48018 FAENZA

The Oral Atelier srl uninominale

Poliambulatorio odontoiatrico monospecialistico
Dir.Sanitario dr. Pier carlo frabboni
Iscrizione ord. Medici ed odontoiatri di bologna n° 726 del 05/04/1994

051/471964 – +39 344 343 3540

Via Toscana n.52

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni

Studio di Odontoiatria ed Estetica Dentale Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni
Iscrizione ord. medici ed odontoiatri di Bologna n°726 del 05/04/1994

0546/21132 – +39 388 057 6093

Corso Baccarini n.15
48018 FAENZA



The Oral Atelier srl uninominale

Single-specialist dental clinic
Health Directorate dr. Pier carlo frabboni
Order registration Doctors and dentists of Bologna n° 726 of 04/05/1994

051/471964 – +39 344 343 3540
Via Toscana n.52

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni Dental and Aesthetic Dentistry Clinic
Registration with the Bologna medical and dental board n°726 from 05/04/1994

0546/21132 – +39 388 057 6093

Corso Baccarini n.15
48018 FAENZA

The Oral Atelier srl uninominale

Single-specialist dental clinic
Health Directorate dr. Pier carlo frabboni
Order registration Doctors and dentists of Bologna n° 726 of 04/05/1994

051/471964 – +39 344 343 3540

Via Toscana n.52

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni Dental and Aesthetic Dentistry Clinic
Registration with the Bologna medical and dental board n°726 from 05/04/1994

0546/21132 – +39 388 057 6093

Corso Baccarini n.15
48018 FAENZA