Maintaining Dental Veneers: Tips for Longevity

Having a radiant smile is a desire of many, and thanks to advances in dentistry, dental veneers have become one of the most effective tools to achieve this goal. But once you have attained your desired smile, how can you ensure it lasts over time? In this article, we focus on how to maintain dental veneers to ensure they continue to enhance our smile for many years to come.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Before proceeding, let’s briefly define what dental veneers are. Veneers are thin ceramic laminates that are applied to the front surface of the teeth to improve their aesthetic appearance or to rebuild a missing part of a tooth.

Importance of Maintenance

Dental veneers are notably durable, but this doesn’t mean they are indestructible. Proper maintenance not only ensures they remain beautiful but also contributes to their longevity.

1. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

As with natural teeth, maintaining good oral hygiene is essential. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and use dental floss regularly. Don’t forget to have regular dental check-ups and cleanings.

2. Be Cautious with Staining Foods and Beverages

Although ceramic veneers are more stain-resistant compared to natural tooth enamel, it’s wise not to overindulge in coffee, tea, red wine, and other foods or drinks that can still cause stains. These, although removable, can temporarily reduce the sensation of a smooth and clean surface and predispose to the accumulation of bacterial plaque.

3. Don’t Use Your Teeth as Tools

Avoid using your teeth to open packaging or bite hard objects, as this can damage the veneers just as it could damage natural tooth enamel.

4. Pay Attention to Teeth Clenching

If you suffer from bruxism, or teeth clenching, talk to your dentist. It might be advisable to wear a thin protective mouthguard at night to protect the veneers.

5. Use a Non-Abrasive Toothpaste

Some toothpastes contain highly abrasive ingredients that can scratch veneers. Opt for a non-abrasive toothpaste and a medium-bristled toothbrush.

Veneers and Lifestyle

It’s also important to consider your lifestyle and daily habits. For example, if you play contact sports, wearing a mouthguard can be a good idea to protect your veneers during physical activity.

Consult Your Dentist

Lastly, but importantly, regularly consult your dentist. Periodic visits allow for monitoring the condition of your veneers and intervening promptly in case of any issues.


Dental veneers can be a significant investment for your smile. By following these tips and maintaining good oral hygiene, you can set the conditions for your veneers to remain in excellent condition for many years to come.

To book a consultation with Dr. Frabboni, contact us at our Bologna clinic at 344-3433540 and in Faenza at 388-0576093.

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The Oral Atelier srl uninominale

Poliambulatorio odontoiatrico monospecialistico
Dir.Sanitario dr. Pier carlo frabboni
Iscrizione ord. Medici ed odontoiatri di bologna n° 726 del 05/04/1994

051/471964 – +39 344 343 3540
Via Toscana n.52

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni

Studio di Odontoiatria ed Estetica Dentale Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni
Iscrizione ord. medici ed odontoiatri di Bologna n°726 del 05/04/1994

0546/21132 – +39 388 057 6093

Corso Baccarini n.15
48018 FAENZA

The Oral Atelier srl uninominale

Poliambulatorio odontoiatrico monospecialistico
Dir.Sanitario dr. Pier carlo frabboni
Iscrizione ord. Medici ed odontoiatri di bologna n° 726 del 05/04/1994

051/471964 – +39 344 343 3540

Via Toscana n.52

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni

Studio di Odontoiatria ed Estetica Dentale Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni
Iscrizione ord. medici ed odontoiatri di Bologna n°726 del 05/04/1994

0546/21132 – +39 388 057 6093

Corso Baccarini n.15
48018 FAENZA



The Oral Atelier srl uninominale

Single-specialist dental clinic
Health Directorate dr. Pier carlo frabboni
Order registration Doctors and dentists of Bologna n° 726 of 04/05/1994

051/471964 – +39 344 343 3540
Via Toscana n.52

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni Dental and Aesthetic Dentistry Clinic
Registration with the Bologna medical and dental board n°726 from 05/04/1994

0546/21132 – +39 388 057 6093

Corso Baccarini n.15
48018 FAENZA

The Oral Atelier srl uninominale

Single-specialist dental clinic
Health Directorate dr. Pier carlo frabboni
Order registration Doctors and dentists of Bologna n° 726 of 04/05/1994

051/471964 – +39 344 343 3540

Via Toscana n.52

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni Dental and Aesthetic Dentistry Clinic
Registration with the Bologna medical and dental board n°726 from 05/04/1994

0546/21132 – +39 388 057 6093

Corso Baccarini n.15
48018 FAENZA