Therapy for Dental Wear and Ceramic Dental Veneers


The patient’s requests were to improve masticatory function, enhance the aesthetic appearance of the smile, and preserve the remaining dental tissue. Suffering from teeth grinding and clenching, the patient had experienced the wear of extensive portions of dental tissue over time, where abrasion and wear led to both aesthetic and chewing consequences, and a reduction in the height of the temporomandibular joints with consequent headaches and arthritis of the joints.

After a careful diagnosis by Dr. Frabboni, the need for intervention on both the temporomandibular joints and the dental surfaces became evident.

Before proceeding with the treatment, the Smile Preview technique was used, which allowed, thanks to the mock-up technique, to visualize the possible final result..

The first step of the treatment was therapy with a mandibular repositioning orthotic, a device that allows restoring the joints to the correct position and treating the symptoms.

After about 3 months of treatment, having achieved the goal, Dr. Frabboni recreated the vertical dimension between the arches with full ceramic inlays for the posterior sectors, and finally, thanks to the aesthetic ceramic veneers, the dental elements of the anterior sectors were restored to their natural size and correct aesthetics.

Before After


I laugh because it’s wonderful to face life again with a beautiful smile!!



The Oral Atelier srl uninominale

Poliambulatorio odontoiatrico monospecialistico
Dir.Sanitario dr. Pier carlo frabboni
Iscrizione ord. Medici ed odontoiatri di bologna n° 726 del 05/04/1994

051/471964 – +39 344 343 3540
Via Toscana n.52

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni

Studio di Odontoiatria ed Estetica Dentale Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni
Iscrizione ord. medici ed odontoiatri di Bologna n°726 del 05/04/1994

0546/21132 – +39 388 057 6093

Corso Baccarini n.15
48018 FAENZA

The Oral Atelier srl uninominale

Poliambulatorio odontoiatrico monospecialistico
Dir.Sanitario dr. Pier carlo frabboni
Iscrizione ord. Medici ed odontoiatri di bologna n° 726 del 05/04/1994

051/471964 – +39 344 343 3540

Via Toscana n.52

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni

Studio di Odontoiatria ed Estetica Dentale Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni
Iscrizione ord. medici ed odontoiatri di Bologna n°726 del 05/04/1994

0546/21132 – +39 388 057 6093

Corso Baccarini n.15
48018 FAENZA



The Oral Atelier srl uninominale

Single-specialist dental clinic
Health Directorate dr. Pier carlo frabboni
Order registration Doctors and dentists of Bologna n° 726 of 04/05/1994

051/471964 – +39 344 343 3540
Via Toscana n.52

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni Dental and Aesthetic Dentistry Clinic
Registration with the Bologna medical and dental board n°726 from 05/04/1994

0546/21132 – +39 388 057 6093

Corso Baccarini n.15
48018 FAENZA

The Oral Atelier srl uninominale

Single-specialist dental clinic
Health Directorate dr. Pier carlo frabboni
Order registration Doctors and dentists of Bologna n° 726 of 04/05/1994

051/471964 – +39 344 343 3540

Via Toscana n.52

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni

Dr. Pier Carlo Frabboni Dental and Aesthetic Dentistry Clinic
Registration with the Bologna medical and dental board n°726 from 05/04/1994

0546/21132 – +39 388 057 6093

Corso Baccarini n.15
48018 FAENZA